Initial Work
The initial ‘discovery’ meeting is provided at our cost and with no obligation. This meeting will include:
- Assisting you to identify your objectives and priorities
- Explaining how we work with our clients and the costs involved, and enabling you to ask questions regardingthe services available to you
- Providing us with an understanding of your personal circumstances and requirements
- Explaining and agreeing your investment risk profile agreeing next steps
- Ongoing work is provided at a charge to you to be agreed at the initial meeting.
Research & Analysis – Summarizing and prioritizing your objectives as required.
Second meeting
- Explaining the full rationale for the recommended strategy
- Answering all queries you might have
- Helping you reach an informed decision on how best to proceed
Implementation Of Strategy
- Provide all necessary paperwork
- Assist with completion of paperwork
- Submission and tracking of applications
- Confirmation of strategy
- Liaison with Professional Advisers as required.
- Personal Circumstances Update (including state of health, salary, bonus update) Goals, Needs, Outcomes & Aspirations
- Attitude to Risk (Any changes) Protection Review (Reviewing existing cover and shortfalls — death, ill health,medical costs, mortgage/loan protection etc.)
- Estate Planning (Ensuring your estate planning wishes are current — Wills, LPA, Death Benefit Nominations)
- Pension Planning (To include reviewing changes and opportunities created by changes to
pension law e.g. - Pension Annual Allowance, Child Benefit traps,
higher rate tax, personal allowance) Retirement
Options, Aspirations, Plans, Cash Flow
Modelling, Discussion Document - Investment Review (Looking back on last 12
months performance) - Investment Planning (Looking forward & implementing any
changes to Investment Strategy)
Access To Adviser
Available for contact between reviews
Other Benefits
Regular Valuations on request
Priority response to your e-mail queries
Regular Newsletter including legislative and budget updates